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Dr. Mark Allen introduces interself

healing & growth for couples and individuals

From time to time even the best relationships can benefit from counselling.

We're here to help you move past where you are now and towards where you want to be as a couple.

It does not matter if you're struggling to find the spark of love again, on the verge of breaking up or just plateaued, unable to get from good to great.

Wherever you feel your relationship is right now we will help you move forward to the next level through one of our unique, structured and holistic counseling programs.

Why not take our relationship quiz and discover how you are doing as a couple.



interself is a couples' counseling service like no other.

Most counselling services will give you continuing sessions without any end or definitive goal.  You just keep turning up and they keep counseling you.

At interself we think differently.  We have designed specific programs to get your relationship to where you want it to be within as little as five weeks.  The better your relationship the shorter the program, but whichever you choose, our goal is to bring your relationship to a point where both of you are happy and content.

Each program's length has been determined to give you the best results from our years of experience with couples at varying levels; from those on the brink of splitting up through to those who just need a little fine-tuning.

Take a look below to find the counseling program for you. 

Expect something different from interself


Choose the program you feel best represents your relationship right now.


You already know you have a good relationship, now it's time to turn good into great.


You have solid foundations but it feels like the fizz and sparkle has gone.  

Our Programs

Choose the program you feel best represents your relationship right now.

Marriage Prep - for couples

Prepare for your greatest commitment and discover the beauty of together.

Advance - for couples

Achieve more together without boundaries or barriers and uncover the hidden depths that will bring you closer as never before.

Align - for couples

You already know you have a good relationship, now it's time to turn good into great.

Re-Kindle - for couples

Bring the spark and warmth back into your lives and re-ignite the passion between you.

Restore- for couples

Banish the arguments and tension from your relationship and restore your love for one another.

Re-Start - for couples

Heal the wounds between you - recover and re-start your relationship anew

Counseling reimagined

Healing & growth like no other

Healing & growth for individuals and couples 

From time to time everyone can benefit from counseling. interself is here to help you move past where you are now to where you want to be.

You might be a couple struggling to find the spark of love again, on the verge of breaking up or just plateaued, unable to get from good to great. 


Or, you might be an individual journeying to find a new path or trying to work on your side of the relationship.

Wherever you feel you are right now, we will help you move forward to the next level through one of our innovative counseling programs.

Expect something different from interself

interself is a counseling service like no other.


Most counseling services will give you continuing sessions without any end or definitive goal. You just keep showing up and they keep counseling.


At interself we think differently.  We have designed specific programs to get you to where you want to be within as little as six weeks. Whichever program you choose, our goal is to bring you or your relationship to a point where you are happy and content.

Take a look below to find the counseling program for you.

Take our Relationship Assessment to discover how you are doing as a couple.

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