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Take the
inserself quiz

Take the quiz everyone is talking about and unearth fascinating facts and truths about your relationship

We've carefully constructed a 25 question quiz based on relationship science, psychology and more than a decade's experience counselling couples.

The answers are all multiple choice and the quiz shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.  (In fact, it's best if you don't linger on the questions, but answer straight from the heart.)

As soon as you've completed it we'll email you the results and some fascinating tips and approaches you can put into practice right away to help you instantly improve your relationship. 

Click on the button below to launch the Quiz.  


Take the interself Relationship Assessment

Discover more about the dynamic of your relationship

We've carefully constructed a 25 question assessment based on relationship science, psychology and more two decades of experience counseling couples.

The answers are multiple choice and should only take 10 minutes to complete.  In answering, it's best not to linger on  but provide your initial gut-response.

As soon as you've completed the assessment, we'll email you the results and some fascinating how-to's and advice that you can put into practice to instantly improve your relationship. 

Click on the button below to launch:

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