Restore your relationship and
reveal the depth of your love again
Love, Restored.
The myth of love
There's a myth that once love wanes, it's impossible to restore. The myth that if your relationship sliding away from you, it is irreversible.
This is not true and often leads to couples not even trying to restore their relationship once the fire has burnt down.
Love is a living thing
Love is truly a living thing - as alive as you. Think of it as a tree you both care for. If you nurture it, it will offer you protection, nourishment, shelter and pleasure.
So, even if you feel as your relationship is drifting - just as spring follows winter - you can once again be reunited as a unified, loving couple.
Your route to happiness
Everyone needs help and advice once in a while. At points we all take career advice or advice how to spend our money or even advice on life decisions. Getting advice and counseling on your relationship should feel and be no different.
interself's Counseling is about helping you build the relationship you both want and maintaining its health and wellbeing. We're here to help you facilitate that through a unique program that will Restore your love for one another.
Here are some of the results you can expect from interself Restore
How the course is delivered
5x20 minute videos designed to give you both the tools to understand and maintain your relationship. These are yours forever.
One-to-One Counseling
8x50 minute individual sessions that will explore and resolve the feelings you have in a completely safe and non-judgemental environment.
Two-to-One Counseling
12x70 minute sessions that give us the 'deep-dive' into your relationship. In these sessions we will help your relationship back to full-health.
Workbooks & Checklists
Simple pocket guides to help keep our work together on track and benefiting you throughout your days together.
Helping you organise your thoughts in ways which enable you to easily process your feelings.
A deep sense of belonging between one another.
Clear, meaningful communication with fewer misunderstandings and arguments.
Being able to deal with practical matters in a way that works for both of you.
Turning disagreements into opportunities without causing friction.
Not compromising on what you both want … even if you want opposite things.
Regaining your love for one another so you always feel valued and understood.
Enjoying more spontaneous affection, warmth and fun.
Discovering why you are a great fit together and how to use that to your mutual advantage.
Uncovering things about your partnership you never knew and learning how to use them to grow stronger together.
Charting new journeys and unearthing new destinations for your future lives together.
Improved intimacy and better sex life.
To love and trust your partner and to be loved in return.
Does this feel familiar?
The shine has gone.
You feel like something is missing between you. You're there for each other but not for the little things. Sure, you can make it through the day and the practical matters of life get done but there's a growing distance filled by silences and 'busyness'.
You can both feel your relationship drifting away, like two boats on an ocean. And yet you seem powerless to stop it.
You like each other, and deep down you do love each other, but your love is being buried by disagreements, responsibilities, criticisms and the mundane. Where once you made time for your relationship you now find that it's almost never a priority.
We know all relationships have their ups and downs, but when there are more downs than ups, it's time to act.
At interself we'll help you put the brakes on the downward slide. We'll give you the thinking which helps you create better behaviors towards one another.
Let us be your guides back from the ocean of separation to where you both stand together, unified in your lives, goals and love.
Our Restore program will take you, step-by-step through a proven process that will uncover and Restore your love.
Keep reading to discover how...
Restore: Program value
Only $5297
Including more than 20 HOURS of engagement time!
Simply split the program value over three easy payments of $1765.66. (One deposit payment and another payment one month later.)
Here's a quick comparison: Standard relationship counselling typically averages about $300/hour. If you were to take out the same amount of time that would cost you $6,100. On the interself program you save more than $800!
Restore is a 16-week program which restores, repairs and renews your love for one another.
The program includes:
12x70 minute two-to-one sessions
8x50 minute individual sessions
5x20 minute 'maintain and restore' videos for you to keep
Workbooks, journals and more to help your relationship grow
A healthy, loving, supportive, energised Restored relationship
interself Restore
Return to one another
interself Restore:
A relationship course like no other
interself Restore is a unique counseling course for couples who no longer want to feel alone in their relationship but want to be united in their love.
It is suited to any couple who feels that their relationship is fading, drifting or ebbing away from them and, instead, wants it to flourish once again.
It is a combination of live two-to-one counseling, individual counseling, videos, and homework carefully constructed over a 16-week period to bring lasting positive change to your relationship.
The interself guarantee
We care deeply about the results you get from Restore. And we want you to be absolutely confident in the course and how it will help you both. So, if you feel, at any point within the first week that this is not for you, then we will refund you money - no quibble, no questions. This is our cast-iron promise to you.
About Dr. Mark Allen
interself Founder
Mark has over two decades of experience working with both individuals and couples.
Drawing from multiple graduate degrees in philosophy, psychology, theology and complex and social systems theory, Mark has developed a unique model to actively nurture personal formation and healing by actively engaging life through relationships.
Prior to founding interself, Mark’s professional activities included work as a professor, divisional sales manager for a Fortune 500 company and the founding of two successful businesses. He worked his way through college as a radio announcer and has also served as a volunteer chaplain for nearly three decades.
Born and raised in Southwest Iowa, he lived in Denver for ten years before moving to California in 2010. He now resides in Folsom, CA with his wife Vanessa and basset hound Watson.
Take the next step to a bright and beautiful future with your partner by signing up for a complimentary private session.
-Absolutely Free-
Book below:
Is a counseling program right for you?
If you feel embarrassed
Everyone needs help once in a while - there is no shame or embarrassment in that. After all, if you were lost in the Australian outback with no food or water and you stumbled across a Aborigine tribesman you would gladly accept their help.
Your counselor is your guide through your relationship - helping you reach a place where you are both happy, comfortable and fulfilled.
And because all our programs are integrated we can help your relationship naturally progress from wherever it is now to good, to great and beyond.
If you feel overwhelmed
If you feel a little daunted by the idea of a counseling session, please don’t be - that’s entirely natural and normal. We have more than a decade’s experience in making sure that our couples feel completely comfortable and relaxed during our sessions.
And each session will step you towards a better, healthier relationship
My Partner Doesn't Want Counseling
The big difficulty many couples find is that one wants the help whilst the other does not.
How do you get around this?
Truthfully, you can’t, and you shouldn’t – if one partner is not ready then, they’re not ready. But what interself offers is not traditional counseling, it’s very different. It even has a guarantee, and the first session is FREE.
At the end of the session, you will have two choices. Either:
Take the information you’ve learned about each other and put it into practice with our blessing, or
Carry on to the next step with us as your guide.
Either way, the time you spend will bring a new bond and closeness to one another that you will treasure.
Take the next step to a new level in your relationship. Fill in the form below to book your FREE session.
Here’s what to do next
You future Restored relationship is within reach. It is within your grasp, and it only requires that, together, you take a small but significant step towards a happy, bright, loving future.
What’s the next step?
First, we have to make sure Restore is the right fit for you. The best way to do that is to give you a 25-minute FREE counseling session with one of our skilled, qualified counselors.
In our 25-minute session together you and your partner will work directly with a professional counselor. Please note, this is not a sales call - it is time spent enabling us to advise you on the best course of action for you as a couple.
During our introductions we will get to understand your individual personalities and how they come together to create the dynamic of your relationship. Will do some (fun, honest!) personality testing to begin our journey together by mapping the territory of you as individuals. It provides a fascinating exploration of you and your partner often revealing things about yourself that you of which you were unaware. It casts a light across your personality to uncover things which begin to explain why you are who you are.
Plus, we'll also have individual sessions so we can review the personality testing and set you both up for success together.
It’s exciting, because it gifts to you the knowledge of yourself – something which we rarely understand in full and without which we cannot reach our full potential.
What is Dynamic Understanding? It is what makes your relationship unique or you could say 'how we are together'. This module helps you understand your own nature and your relationship so you can successfully navigate your lives together. It will help you be 'intentional' about making healthy choices for your relationship. Some of the things we'll cover include;
Rules and expectations you apply to each other / learning the dynamic of your relationship from the personality tests
How you 'process' your lives together / how you empathise
And much more.
How does it help? The benefit to this is that it helps you both bond and unlocks your potential in a way that enables you to recognize the depth of your relationship. It also helps you create openness between one another. It gives you the foundation from which you can fully engage in the following modules of Communication and Mutual Planning. Think of this module as the platform from which you will launch your future together.
How is the module delivered? Through individual and two-to-one sessions and by reviewing how you both interact. This will help you relate to one another at a higher level than you might have before. Plus, there's some fun homework, workbooks, video content and more so you can stay on course, refining and optimising your relationship in between our meetings.
Dynamic Understanding
What is Affirming Communication? Communication is the glue of your relationship, which enables you to share your feelings whilst simultaneously taking care of the other person's feelings. We'll cover topics such as, empathy in resolving conflict.
How does it help? This module will help you find ways to communicate with each other which enable you to address even the most sensitive issues without rupturing your love and connection. Together we'll help you understand how you can create new communication patterns, which actively draw you both closer together to create more unity and harmony.
How is the module delivered? We'll practice Affirming Communication together in our individual and two-to-one sessions so you can identify the opportunities to share more effectively. Plus there's the usual fun homework, videos, workbooks and more to help keep you on course between sessions.
Affirming Communication
What is Mutual Planning? This module will take the pressure out of decision making and resolve the conflict that can so easily come from taking action without concern, consent or consideration of the other person. This module will also help you if you find yourselves frozen into inaction, unable to make a decision because you don't want to upset each other!
How does it help? Seeing the 'us' instead of 'me' enables you to create a deep mutual respect and connection that achieves more together than you could individually.
How is the module delivered? During our two-to-one sessions, we'll use a series of techniques that first align your relationship before making practical decisions. This helps you both have 'buy-in' to all your decisions and creates solutions that neither of you may have thought of before! Plus, there are the usual videos, workbooks and journals to help keep you on course between sessions.
Mutual Planning
What is Reflecting Together? In the final module we show you how to take all the information you’ve already learned in the previous modules to find a flow in your relationship that cultivates peak experiences. We use a simple set of guidelines, approaches and understandings tailored to your relationships specific needs.
How does it help? It helps you solidify what you've learned and turn it into a set of practical skills you can use in your everyday life. It turns the knowledge into easy authentic automatic habits that benefit you both and create more 'highs' in your relationship - the module helps you grow in lasting respect for one another
How is the module delivered? We'll work together on both individual and two-to-one sessions, plus (yes, you've guessed it) some homework with workbooks, videos, journals and more to keep you on course between the sessions.
Reflecting Together
What’s on the course
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